interview fiasco

I've been interviewing with this company for 2 months now. after the initial recruiter call, the Hiring manager was out for a month. We finally met on the new year, the interview went great, instead of the original 45 mins we chatted for an hour and a half. After that the recruiter scheduled a follow up w/ their direct report, was also fine. I finally hear back & they tell me that they want me to meet with the CEO & CRO as last step. I get nervous as this isn't a startup but a company of 50-250 employees size but I agree. my interview was scheduled for today (Thursday). Yesterday the recruiter reached out and tells me the HM wants me to do writing prompts before I meet with the C level executives and that those interviews will be canceled. I was taken back by that and it has left a bad taste in my mouth. I asked why the change & the mentioned that it was nothing on my part they just got ahead of themselves. they also canceled my interviews.

Should I continue to pursue this? at first I was really excited about the role but now not so much...Also to note I did proved my resume and my portfolio. I don't feel like doing free labor as I have 7 years of writing experience and 4 years in tech writing.

Looking for advice