Are Water and Lightning temples possible without using a bow?

I recently started a challenge run with a handful of different rules, one of them being no weapons/ shields/ bows allowed. My goal was to collect all of the sages before completing the game, but I started thinking and realized there are some events around the Zora and Gerudo quests that usually require firing arrows.

For the Zora quest, there is the part where you need to shoot an arrow with the Kingscale attached. For the Gerudo quest, Riju's ability relies on firing arrows, and I'm not sure there's any alternate way to destroy Gibdo hives or activate the terminals in the Lightning temple.

Does anyone know if there are workarounds to complete these quests without using a bow?

If anyone is wondering, I have already completed the Fire temple, so I can confirm that is possible. I have not yet attempted Wind or Spirit but can't think of a reason why those would be impossible.