100 lari for talking

yes, this is definitely an odd one but I'm bored and i need an excuse to leave my room so I'm offering 100 lari (plus other expenses) for whoever wanna spend a couple of hours talking (we'll meet in a public place of your choice) and you'll talk for 2 hours and I'll listen and you get paid and leave. males or females (but preferably females). DM me if you're interested. first come first serve.


50+ dms almost ALL of them people offering to listen

"I'll listen to you" "you can talk to me" "I'm a good listener" "join our group and talk about your problems"

ffs did i say anything about ME TALKING? NO, YOU HAVE TO TALK, NOT ME.


Due to the huge amount of requests, and because I've already spent too much, I'm doing a stricter filtering.