does tessia get more likeable?
I just read, ellie crash out on tessia n she basically said everything I thought minus the forgiving part. Throughout the past few arcs I feel like tessia never considers the consequences of her actions. I also don't like how shes egging ellie on, two weeks or so after causing her brothers dead. I bet this will also have consequences...
Tessia going after her parents despite virion's and arthur's reasoning is so frustrating. Yes its her parents, its unfortunate but they dug their own grave. The part that irritates me is SHE KNOWS arthur is dumb enough to follow her, yet she put him, sylvie, AND THE CONTINENT'S CHANCE AT A FUTURE... in harms way. She truly does not deserve arthur as she was willing to gamble his life for her parents.
Could be my adrenaline making me hate tessia more just from the recent chapters alone. After the wall incident I was expecting some growth from her but I swear its been nothing but the same same with her. This is why kathlyns better. lol jk she needs a bigger role tho.
LMK if im missing anything