Shadow slave
Currently burned out of the novel and wanted a break, so i just read a novel that was recommended to me by some random short on YouTube. And o my God i feel like i was reading vol 8 for the first time again, shadow slave feels like volume 8, if it focuses more on the relictombs than the alacryan setting. Volume 8 was my favorite volume and to read a similar feeling is such a satisfying moment, its like eating a once and a life time food and after a few years you finally taste it again. The key difference of shadow slave and vol 8 is probably the mc, while i love the banter of grey and regis, i really like sunny(the mc) his action and behaviour was pretty fun and refreshing. Its like putting arthur, regis, nico and sylvie in a blender. His cold, a bit comedic, a bit of an incel and a bit of a softy. The side cast is also good the two female lead, while not being better than caera was also a delight. Another difference is how they go to a realm to fight of monsters. In shadow slaves case, its by dreams. I dont want to spoil if your interested but the first few chapter will explain it and i will not do justice if i explain it. Just finished the first volume and it was so good i imidiately turned the next chapter. So if your really itching for a chance to revisit volume 8 again i suggest reading shadow slave. :)