I got a bad tattoo

For context, when the world stopped for covid, I went a little stir crazy and went into a manic episode. I made the terrible decision on a whim to go get a tattoo from an artist I had never been to before. Tons of red flags the second I walked into the shop but like an idiot I ignored all of them, from the artist bashing my taste in music, to the literal skid marks in his underwear that I didn’t see until he got up half way through the session to go smoke a cigarette without saying anything to me. By then the tattoo was halfway done already and I didn’t want to leave without it being finished because a bad tattoo is better than a half done design (that was my mindset which was totally totally wrong)

Anyways I ended up with this piece of shit tattoo that turned my leg into hamburger meat. What are my options to cover. It’s dark, overworked, blown out, the lettering absolutely sucks which is crazy because it was a full stencil so how did you fuck up that bad, like it literally does not look anything like the original design/ the stencil he put on that I approved. I know the design wasn’t great to begin with but how do you botch it to this degree. Please suggest designs that will work to cover. I genuinely do not care what it is at this point I just need this thing gone and don’t want to do Lazer treatments for it to ultimately get another tattoo there anyways.

For context, when the world stopped for covid, I went a little stir crazy and went into a manic episode. I made the terrible decision on a whim to go get a tattoo from an artist I had never been to before. Tons of red flags the second I walked into the shop but like an idiot I ignored all of them, from the artist bashing my taste in music, to the literal skid marks in his underwear that I didn’t see until he got up half way through the session to go smoke a cigarette without saying anything to me. By then the tattoo was halfway done already and I didn’t want to leave without it being finished because a bad tattoo is better than a half done design (that was my mindset which was totally totally wrong)

Anyways I ended up with this piece of shit tattoo that turned my leg into hamburger meat. What are my options to cover. It’s dark, overworked, blown out, the lettering absolutely sucks which is crazy because it was a full stencil so how did you fuck up that bad, like it literally does not look anything like the original design/ the stencil he put on that I approved. I know the design wasn’t great to begin with but how do you botch it to this degree. Please suggest designs that will work to cover. I genuinely do not care what it is at this point I just need this thing gone and don’t want to do Lazer treatments for it to ultimately get another tattoo there anyways.