Tasks where one contestant did WAAAAAAAAY better than the other four

Frequently there's some debate about who actually should have won a subjective task, or suspense about the outcome of an objective one. Sometimes, though, one contestant absolutely smashes through a task that absolutely stumps the other four. What are your favorite examples of this phenomenon?

I'll start: Inaugural TMNZ champion Angella Dravid has a number of standout performances, of which perhaps the most iconic involves her leaving the lab almost immediately. But maybe the most impressive is the last task of S1E8, in which the contestants are asked to reconstruct a computer keyboard in which all the keys have been removed, and type a message to the Taskmaster on it without seeing the screen. The other four contestants do basically nothing. (Madeleine Sami manages to type "ass." This qualifies her for second place.)

And then there's Angella, who comes perilously close to just writing a totally normal email. At one point she corrects a typo! She has enough time to repeatedly type messages to Paul asking if he sees what she's doing!

(Characteristically, she's self-deprecating about it. When Guy Williams suggests that she might be a genius, she replies, "if I was, I would be better off in life.")

Jeremy Wells's erratic scoring, particularly in S1, is a famously divisive topic among Taskmaster fans. But in this case, giving Angella 5 while no other contestant gets more than 2 feels totally deserved. She was operating on a completely different level from the rest.

So how about you? What's your most memorable task where there's no comparison between the winner and the rest of the field?