Did my tarot reader committed a mistake or is this how tarot work?
There’s a person that is always there for me for readings. She is spooky to me (in the GOOD sense). Overtime I have been shown that everything that comes out from her mouth will happen.
I don’t want to accuse her or anything, I actually take things with a grain of salt because I am a skeptical in rehabilitation lol - BUT, there was a friend I met that I used to like a lot, then overtime, I started to feel off about her energy… each time I would interact with my friend more and more, something within me would go 🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨so I went to the lady to read the tarot about my friend.
The lady told me that my friend is just immature, stressed o ur and going thru things; That it was innocent and she meant no harm.
So I was more open minded towards my friend… but then my friend would physically cause reactions on me, I would be anxious at each text message from her. And I decided to ask my tarot lady: why I feel off about my friend, is she a narcissist?
And the tarot lady; who has said if somebody had narcissistic tendencies before in the past, told me:
6 of cups, she values the friendship she is just going thru a lot, there’s a need for her to grow but her intentions are pure.
NOW, I noticed manipulative tendencies from that friend and I got angry. So I set my boundaries and asked my friend respectfully for space. My friend obviously reacted bad to the space between us …. And now we are “enemies”.
I went to my tarot lady again and she said: she is a miserable person, displaying narcissist tendencies and now is gossiping about you to others because she can’t stand the way you shine.
Why wouldn’t she tell me that from day 1????? Is a “mistake” on my tarot lady?? Which I don’t care because I am the owner of my life, and the one that makes my decisions, and she is just human. BUT, is this normal? What is going on? First time she is wrong.