How do you encourage objectiveness during a reading?

My friend pointed out that when I do readings on myself, my emotions and energy will influence the cards I pull so I'll get a reading reflecting me rather than the message needing to be heard.

How do you reduce this influence and encourage objectiveness? I keep getting told to meditate but I space out, get distracted or fall asleep during meditation. Much to my therapists annoyance 😅

Additional info because I like over explaining myself:

I'm not spiritual or anything, I just use my tarot deck to ease my anxiety and get advice without the need to talk (yay autism). Yet I'm aware of beliefs around tarot so I bear them in mind rather than disregard them. I've got no authority to definitively say something is real or not.

I use The Alleyman Tarot deck if anyone needs that information. I liked how the size of the deck meant more specific cards so there's less need to pick up on hidden meanings and messages (again, yay autism)