Bitches like this is why their egos are beyond their bodies…
“…don’t see how this is your responsibility… hate train… since you guys took off…taking what sadly happens…as a moment to cancel you.”
That’s what’s important that these dumbasses are being held accountable? Thats what bothers you so much about everything. The way Jake stated everything possible to seem and steer the blame towards the victim and saving his own ass with “I’m so sorry…” 😒
“…don’t see how this is your responsibility… hate train… since you guys took off…taking what sadly happens…as a moment to cancel you.”
That’s what’s important that these dumbasses are being held accountable? Thats what bothers you so much about everything. The way Jake stated everything possible to seem and steer the blame towards the victim and saving his own ass with “I’m so sorry…” 😒