Meyers vs South Lake - pros, cons, thoughts?

Hey everyone,

New to the area and looking for advice. This is not to start some Meyers vs SLT debate haha just genuinely looking for insight from people who know!

We’re a mid-30s couple, no kids, awesome dog who live in the Lakeview area. Love it here, love the neighborhood and access to all the in-town things.

We are interested in extending our stay through a long term lease. Curious to see how the winter goea (we’ve been warned. A lot.)

We found this beautiful, affordable rental house in Meyers off Pioneer Trail. Seems like a very quiet street (too quiet?). I love the house but am wondering if Meyers will feel too removed from the action? Maybe not in the summer because the drive obviously is so easy, but the winter? What’s the community like in Meyers, and how does it differ from ‘downtown’ South Lake?

We do go out but not to the extent where we’d need an Uber or anything ($$)

I dont know! Just looking for some insight.