Please don't "lie" to your fellow Sysadmins when your update breaks things. It makes you look bad.

The network team pushed a big firewall update last night. The scheduled downtime was 30 minutes. But ever since the update every site in our city has been randomly dropping connections for 5-10 minutes at a time at least every half an hour. Every department in every building is reporting this happening.

The central network team is ADAMANT that the firewall update is not the root source of the issue. While at the same time refusing to give any sort of alternative explanation.

Shit breaks sometimes. We all have done it at one point or another. We get it. But don't lie to us c'mon man.

PS from the same person denying the update broke something they sent this out today.

With the long holiday weekend, I think it’s a good opportunity to roll this proxy agent update out.

I personally don’t see any issue we experienced in the past. Unless you’re going to do some deep dive testing and verification, I am not sure its worth the additional effort on your part.

Let me know you want me to enable the update on your subdomain workstations over the holiday weekend.
