Side Hustle Money as an IT Admin | Need Advice!

Good morning, all!

I will keep this brief. I am an early-career IT professional with a focus in Cyber Security. I also have work experience in Network/Systems administration and PC repair. I have my CompTIA certs., good references, all that jazz.

Here is the issue:
My life circumstances have recently changed and my cost of life has gone up in such a way that I cannot fully offset with a good budget. I already work a full-time IT day job where I am not yet eligible for a raise. What do my fellow IT professionals do to make side-income? I would preferably need to make up somewhere between $500 - $700 dollars a month in the evenings. I can do any type of work (by that I mean remote/on-site) and I would take any contract-type. I have also considered starting my own consultancy for this, but that would have a ton of overhead and extra cost.

Does anybody have any advice for me? I would love to hear from the community!

(also...mods if this violates "Wrong Community" I didn't think it did!)