E-MU Ultra Proteus - Missing RAM patches! Please Advise!
Howdy folks,
I just acquired an Ultra Proteus from eBay (and luckily a hard copy of the manual). To my understanding, the onboard memory should look like this:
- Banks 0 - should contain RAM presets
- Bank 1 - should contain ROM presets
- Bank 2 - should contain RAM hyper presets
My issue is that banks 0 and banks 1 on my unit contain the same exact patches (which are the ROM presets) and the rest of the banks (2, 3 and 4) are also completely empty. So basically.....I'm missing all the RAM presets and whatever other presets the unit comes with stock! Preset #001 (bank 0) is identical to Preset #001 (bank 1), and so on. I have considered the following:
A. According to the notes the previous owner left in the manual, they were messing around with patch banks/DIY SRAM cards and may have accidentally overwritten the RAM bank (???)
B. I read that on other Proteus units that the MIDI-Mapping can sometimes mess with the bank orders. I have scrolled through all available banks and the RAM patches are not present, displaced or otherwise; they're simply not there, only the duplicate ROM patches.
So that leaves me with 4 questions:
- Could the lack of RAM patches be a result of a hardware issue (faulty card, dead battery on the card, etc.)?
- If not, is it most likely an operator error/something the last owner messed up/accidentally overwrote?
- Lastly, is there some simple fix that I'm failing to see? I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box when it comes to programming.
- Can I get them back without having to write a new card? I don't have the gear to do that.
Side Note: The built in diagnostic-procedures on the unit are a bit intimidating to me, as I don't want to accidentally erase anything (to my understanding, it can be quite sensitive and you'd need to reload both RAM and ROM).