2600m Reverb Deal, actually a deal?
So, I just fomoed my way into going for this deal.
Not an obsessive ARP person or anything but it does feel like a legendary synth akin to a minimoog or something, and it does seem like a real fun machine. So a chance to own one seems cool.
$1k USD seemed like a SCREAMING deal, to me, that wouldn’t last.
Was I totally wrong though? I mean, it’s less than an iPhone. Does nobody want these things? or did they have some sort of flaw that made them suck?
I watched Alex Ball, and Loopop videos on them and nothing jumped out.
So, I just fomoed my way into going for this deal.
Not an obsessive ARP person or anything but it does feel like a legendary synth akin to a minimoog or something, and it does seem like a real fun machine. So a chance to own one seems cool.
$1k USD seemed like a SCREAMING deal, to me, that wouldn’t last.
Was I totally wrong though? I mean, it’s less than an iPhone. Does nobody want these things? or did they have some sort of flaw that made them suck?
I watched Alex Ball, and Loopop videos on them and nothing jumped out.