Unpopular Opinion about the games future.
I’ll start by saying that I fully expect this to get downvoted, as I know I’m probably in the minority with my opinion here. But I just want to share it and see what others think or if anyone shares my opinion.
To get straight to the point: With the state of the game currently and the content we’ve had recently, I’m of the opinion that I don’t really want any more story content from the game.
I know for most the story content is the reason they play, but with the way things have been and the current state of things, I just don’t find any of the story content entertaining anymore, and haven’t done for a long while. The last story content I truly enjoyed was the Dread Master storyline. There’s been odd bits here and there that have been okay. Some of the KOTXX stuff was alright, but a lot of it I didn’t find particularly entertaining, and everything after that I’ve just been very uninterested in to be honest. When I want story content in this game, I just start another new character and do one of the base stories again as in my opinion this are still the best story content in the game.
I do however, still enjoy this game very much for other reasons. Im mainly a PvP player, and though PvP has also been neglected quite a bit for a while now, I still enjoy it. I also quite enjoy the seasonal stuff (both PvP and Galactic Seasons) and the various events. I’m also a big fan of the customisation side of this game. I spend hours and hours making outfits, new characters, etc…
What I would like from the game in the future would be for them to bring a close to the current story as soon as they can. And then to focus on the Seasonal stuff, PvP, events, game optimisations and modernisations, and other stuff like that. I would be happy with little ‘mini’ stories through events and such, but other than that, the story content side of the game is just not the main attraction any more.
As I said I know this is likely to be a very unpopular opinion, but it’s my opinion after playing this game for about 13 years now.
Before downvoting, if you don’t agree, perhaps discuss in the comments? Equally, for anyone who agrees, to what extent do you agree? And what would you like from the game going forward?