Introducing sv-router, a modern SPA router with type-safe navigation, file-based routing, and more
I wasn't satisfied with the current routing solutions for Svelte apps because many of the unofficial ones are unmaintained and don’t support Svelte 5. SvelteKit feels a bit overkill for a simple SPA, and I’m not a fan of its file-based routing structure. Inspired by TanStack Router, I decided to build my own router with these features in mind:
- Type-safe: autocomplete and type-checking for navigation
- File-based routing with a vite plugin (code-based is also supported if you prefer)
- Layouts like in SvelteKit
- Hooks/Route guards
- Reactive search params for simpler state management in the URL
- Code-splitting and preloading
Documentation website:
Repository: ⭐
The npm package version is currently low because I would like to gather feedback and make improvements before releasing the v1. I also have multiple other ideas of features that would complement this router well.
Hope you like it!