So I Just Finished My First Game Last Night...
What a journey, I was hesitant when I saw this game but it's actually really good. The only bad thing I really have to say about this game is that the economy doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Then again I caused a depression and went into debt by 20 before paying it down to 13 by the time the game ended. I invested in the highway and the airport, agriculture and more, got the good trade deal with Whelen and the place to the north of me and it still wasn't enough. Granted I funded EVERYTHING and thank God I did with polio and Rumburg. I did the deal and entered Gasom with Riza, cut taxes on small business and increased on large corporations.
I played an extreme reformist run and got a Democratic constitution (2/3 Veto, Limited Decree, Impeachment for everyone, no MOH, 8% threshold) got it passed by 1 vote in assembly and got Edmonds to get the centrists to pass it. Got that old Hawk impeached, Soll went to jail, and then Petr... why bro, like why? Homie fucked up and that was the only spoiler I looked up, I didn't want homie to kill himself so split blame. Unfortunately I had to make Gloria VP for the Conservatives due to me being a radical centrist.
Then Lileas, that fucking bitch. I invested in the region, gave her the police, kept a majority in all state companies and this ungrateful bitch still hated me. Was out to sabotage me from the beginning that's messed up. I caught her after Soll was tried and arrested for life in prison.
Unfortunately I tried to pincer Rumburg and had the country north hit the Dome and I lost. I invested in the army, the complex, took help from the NATO like organization. Still I lost, fuck Iosef that man led me down the wrong path.
I failed pretty bad with the Bluds and bergin though, let Wehlen massacre them and stopped refugees for oil. They were protesting pretty much the entire game and I didn't know what to do.
I played a I must make everything right, but it must be done the right way. I didn't take any bribes, the only corruption I was engaged in was the media deal. I kept my promises and generally was a good man who tried to do whats best and tried to make Sordland better via capitalism. Got the Reformists to want to form an alliance in the next election and everything, though conservatives hated me.
With all that said, I have some questions:
Is Lileas guaranteed to try to undermine me?
How to deal with the Bluds and Bergin situation?
Can I actually trust Lucian? The man seemed very helpful but also left the impression that he's a snake.
How to get the Nationalists on my side? They seemed to hate me even when I supported suppressing Bludish culture.
Planning my next run already, but I want to try to play a reformer who's more authoritarian and a "the ends justify the means", who wants to fix Sordland but keep himself strong. Ideally I would do this with strong decrees, still vetos and impeachment, would still get rid of MOH, and lower threshold. Basically become an a less authoritarian Republic, while still being authoritarian but with my checks and balances.