Sue Deserves More Respect

I’m seeing so many negative posts and comments about Sue and her gameplay—saying she’s done nothing and has zero chance of winning. While I don’t think Sue has played the best game this season, and she’s unlikely to win, I don’t understand the intense disrespect either. I think her game is much better than people give her credit for.

Sue has proven herself to be a strong competitor in challenges, winning individual immunity and consistently performing well in endurance competitions. Notably, she holds the distinction of being the oldest woman to win immunity, which is an impressive feat in itself.

Additionally, Sue found an immunity idol and spent a lot of time searching for others. Despite the public discovery of red paint, she managed to keep her idol a secret until the end. While her idol play didn’t ultimately matter, finding an idol is still impressive. Players like Gabe and Sam also had idols that didn’t significantly impact their games, so Sue isn’t alone in this regard.

Strategically, Sue was a member of a powerful trio with Gabe and Caroline. This alliance dominated much of the pre-merge and early merge, functioning as the most cohesive and influential unit for most of the game. Sam targeted Sue at the Sol vote because he recognized how well-insulated she was within her alliance. Even after Caroline flipped on Gabe, Sue stayed level-headed and reconciled with Caroline instead of letting emotions dictate her actions.

Another underrated aspect of Sue’s game is her partnership with Rachel. When Rachel won the Block a Vote advantage, she immediately consulted Sue and Caroline. Rachel also trusted Sue with the information about her idol, even though it wasn’t necessary for the idol play to work. Their duo had significant control over the Final 5 and Final 6 votes.

Throughout the game, Sue avoided backstabbing anyone and only had a truly negative relationship with Kyle, who targeted her early on for being weak. Caroline seems to hold Sue in high regard and could become a strong advocate for her on the jury.

Sue has actively engaged in the game, albeit more as a team player than a leader. For example, when Gen told her that Sol was targeting Gabe, Sue quickly shut down those conversations and pitched hard for Sol instead. One move she could claim is the TK vote. Her persistence in convincing Tiyanna to flip ultimately saved her from elimination.

Overall, Sue has played a loyalty-driven game that some describe as emotional. However, I think “protective” and “dedicated” are more accurate descriptors. She has remained relatively level-headed, avoided emotional breakdowns, and Gen’s word association for her was “strong-willed”.

Looking forward, Sue’s chances of winning are slim but not impossible. If she beats Rachel in fire-making, the jury dynamics could be interesting. Sam likely has Sierra and Kyle’s votes locked in, but Caroline seems likely to vote Sue. Gabe, despite his villain persona, has shown respect for Sue (his word association for her was “Home”) and may vote for someone he sees as carrying on his “legacy.” Rachel might lean slightly toward Sue, while Andy could be swayed if she articulates how she was underestimated. Gen and Sol lean toward Sam but seem open-minded and could vote for Sue if given a strong argument. If there’s a tie, Tenny, as the deciding juror, would likely vote for Sue due to her disliking Sam. Sue’s best path to victory, however, would be to win immunity, take herself to fire-making, and succeed. That bold move would fill a gap in her resume and significantly strengthen her case in front of the jury.

The purpose of this analysis isn’t to portray Sue as a dominating player or to predict her victory. Instead, it’s to shed light on the strengths of a player who has been overlooked and unfairly disrespected. Without biases around age and gender, I believe Sue would be rated similarly to Sam in terms of her overall gameplay.

One positive trend in this sub is the appreciation for Andy. While his chaotic gameplay draws criticism, there’s also recognition of his ambitious gameplay and value a a comedic character. Similarly, players like Q, and on occasion Rome, receive praise for their contributions to their seasons, even when their gameplay was flawed or antagonistic. So why does Sue seemingly never recieve the same grace?

Finally, dismissing someone as a “zero-vote finalist” isn’t really an insult. Surviving to the finals without being voted out is an accomplishment in itself. Sue deserves recognition for making it this far, regardless of the final result.