READ FIRST - Spare Alpha Keys - Prepurchase Information
Please do not make new threads regarding prepurchase information or asking for keys. They will be deleted or locked.
Q: Where can I prepurchase The Culling?
A: The pre purchase has been disabled. No new information has been provided. The game will be available for traditional sale via Early Access on steam, March 8th.
Q: I have already ordered, where's my key?
A: If you have already ordered, and still not received your key, then please email [email protected] with the email used to purchase the game. Replies typically take a few hours, as the Dev team is manually trying to handle each request.
Q: Can I still join Alpha? I want a key!
A: If you need a key, please post below. If any member has any extra they can donate it below, or if we get any extra I will gladly accommodate as much as I can. Additionally you may still sign up for alpha at, but there are no guarantees how long it will take.
Q: How long does Alpha last?
A: Alpha will last until noon on Monday, Feb 29th.