Choose an Absolute Power
You are being granted absolute mastery over a single element—not just controlling it, but having infinite power, range, and precision over it. Meaning:
• No limits on how much you can manipulate. You control an infinite amount.
• No limits on where you can manipulate it. Your power extends across the entire universe instantly.
• No limits on how you manipulate it. You can shape, transform, and weaponize it with perfect precision.
Which do you pick, and why?
You are being granted absolute mastery over a single element—not just controlling it, but having infinite power, range, and precision over it. Meaning:
• No limits on how much you can manipulate. You control an infinite amount.
• No limits on where you can manipulate it. Your power extends across the entire universe instantly.
• No limits on how you manipulate it. You can shape, transform, and weaponize it with perfect precision.
Which do you pick, and why?