West and his recycling
It rubbed me the wrong way when West was saying he was sad he was too busy to recycle. Like come on dude are we living in the same universe? You’re not worried about the planet with all your fast fashion, Amazon orders, flying across the country all week and God knows what else you do in this house that kills the planet but not recycling a plastic lid from takeout makes you feel bad? Be so for real. Such an insensitive thing to say. (I originally said dumb and wanted to be more clear because he wasn’t being dumb)
I would also like to say that this post is not anti-recycling. I wish recycling in America (where I live) was more effective but I still think it’s important. Like I said in the post, West just has some habits that definitely are not eco friendly so I found this whole “I feel bad about not recycling a lid” comment not very genuine.