Is it just me that thinks Jesse’s trying it with Ciara!!
Just watched first episode and obviously he is putting it on heavy for lexi but I also think he’s tryna be sly with Ciara. Making little comments and putting himself around her. IDK MAYBE ITS JUST ME ? I know that he defends west but I think he also has to do that because they came in together maybe that’s why he wants them to make up???? I personally feel like he knows lexi will go for him but is being careful with Ciara coz he knows she will shoot him down . Also DO NOT LIKE LEXI AND BAYLEE! I don’t know what it is but every other girl I kinda liked even jessica and Hannah but they just do not fit the vibe and I can’t even tell if they generally don’t have a personality or their personality is being bland and conventionally pretty. NO HATE ❤️😔