Ecology is paramount
I think instead of class reductionism, i propose the left to focus on ecological reductionism.
All systems of oppression are rooted in class struggle, but class struggle arose from the subjugation of our ecologies. Our collective cognitive disconnect from the natural world and subsequent war against wilderness has set in motion a slow moving apocalypse spanning millennia and soon culminating with the inevitable extinction of our species from artificial intelligence and nuclear war.
When we created god in our image and appointed ourselves the superior species on earth, we set the stage for every single unjust hierarchy to follow. This is man’s true original sin for which we were cast out of the garden of Eden. The transition from small bands of egalitarian collectivist nomadic pastoralists, hunters, fishers gatherers and wilderness tenders to grain producers, monoculturists, loggers and miners was not a peaceful transition, it was done through violence and enslavement. A process Marx called primitive accumulation of capital.
This is also the root of the subordination of women. The destruction of female power was an inevitable outcome of the destruction of ecologically-centered societies. In most indigenous cultures across the globe, women are the keepers of fungal and herbal knowledge. Knowledge of abortifacient herbs granted women reproductive autonomy. Hunting is a job that requires silence, communication not through words but through movement. Gathering however gave plenty of time for women to converse, leading to tighter bonds and collective organization. Should a man attempt to use his greater physical strength to overpower a woman, women could easily use her knowledge of poisonous plants her network and their role as cooks to get retribution. Silvia Federici taught us how the witch trials effectively destroyed this power to make way for the development of capitalism.
When a society can no longer sustain itself within the bounds of its ecology of residence, it must extract resources from an external source. This extraction can only happen through colonization, genocide and enslavement, the prerequisite of which is the arbitrary classification of humans into fictional “races” and assignment of roles accordingly.
The immense suffering we inflict upon the rest of the animal world is perhaps humanities most shameful legacy. Every day tens of millions of animals meet a brutal end to a life that only knew suffering. Born into the factory, confined, tortured, and deprived of all dignity. Nursing mothers chained to concrete slabs covered in liquified feces watching baby after baby wishes away to never be seen again. This is not abstract. These are living breathing beings with cognitive faculties and inner worlds being forced to suffer for our pleasure. These beings were robbed of their birthright, the forests and prairies, meadows and riverbanks.
Whatever we inflict upon the natural world, we inflict upon ourselves. How are we supposed to trust our fellow human beings to work towards a classless, moneyless and stateless society built free from oppression when we see eachother and ourselves exploiting and murdering the planet? The moral injury we inflict upon ourselves as we justify our subjugation of the natural world is an impediment towards true solidarity with our fellow human beings. So long as we are capable of committing ecocide, we are capable of committing genocide, so if genocide is an inevitable aspect of humanity, no point in resisting it right? We might as well just try and align ourselves with the strongest genocidal power structure we can in hopes our allegiance will be rewarded, right?
So what do we do? Do we continue to simply pay lip service to this uncomfortable truth by muttering something about how socialism will just work this all out? The coal plant may be owned by the workers, but it’s still a coal plant, is it not?
Well, the first and most important part of what we must do, I will have to leave to your imagination, because it would go against the terms of service to say. I’ll just say if you’re waiting for some grand revolutionary moment to do what needs to happen here, you might as well do nothing whatsoever. Remember, the planet is not dying, it’s being killed, and her murderers have names and addresses.
But I will say that complimentary to whatever …. you may decide to engage in, you must learn how to live within the limits of your surrounding ecologies, and yes, even major cities have ecologies hiding in the margins. You must build new political cultural and spiritual identities that place us on even footing with other life forms. You must understand that this is a multi-generational project. this will require a radical reorganization of your own personal life. A re-prioritization of your life’s ambitions.
We were meant to sit around fireplaces in dark homes and tell stories and make music. We were meant to connect directly to the seasonal cycles of life and death that sustain us. Our bodies and brains were built for this life over hundreds of thousands of years, so there is no reason to fear it. Or we can all just watch Netflix and eat our plastic food while the last river fills with pollution and the last forest burns to ash and the last pollinator suffocates on pesticides.