My Beautiful Mother
My mom who is 48 has had a stroke while driving day before her birthday May 9th her birthday is May 10th and Mother’s Day weekend she lived far away from her ENTIRE family and I’m the only one who showed up from her family blood and she spent the entire month in the hospital at mt Sinai which was superb absolutely no hate they saved her life. I need support as her son in his early 20s. She was a kindergarten teacher in Arkansas and we all live around her include my younger half sibling she paid child support for, 13 yr old brother , for 20 years With health insurance and decided to move states abruptly basically abandoned us for a new bf and no plan like a mid life crisis almost . I respect her out of state bf and her do what you have to yet she continues to work at a private school not get her ny teaching licenses and the entire time that private school doesn’t offer insurance so she’s not doing what she should . And on her way to work one morning (also morning before her birthday same as Mother’s Day weekend ) drives has the stroke crashes . Had to get Medicaid in Ny to pay pay for the hospital stay and then bring her home cancel ny Medicaid to redo the entire process over again I just learned it’s state by state finally got it in Oklahoma our home state which is something and Medicaid advantage keeps listing her as healthy adult ??? She got Aetna sooner care now . I was denied once for the Medicaid advantage if you know you know it’s for home helpers etc since there wasn’t enough time they said and she isn’t described as disabled by the social security office….which she’s 48 the social security office tells me the process takes years and she’s not 50 so basically wait for her to be declared “disabled” But she can’t communicate at all . ? Completely unable to speak but physically she is right handed and can barely even write her feelings. She’s in the rehab they said she has apraxia and aphasia and I have no helpful family on the matter paper work wise and this has almost hit three months is there a support group or anything!!