Adventure Hook
I've written an adventurehook to set the scene on Stormwreck Isle,
You find yourself on a boat feeling not so well after last nights party. You were in Thornhold, or Stoneshaft Hold, where the dwarfs celebrated the end of the enslavement from the Zhentarim lead by Ebenezer Stoneshaft in the Era of Upheaval. The beautiful keep provided you with necessary equipment and you got some great deals on the local food, drinks, and weaponry. Although you were there to resupply the feast and the party in the keep had you up all night because of rumours about trouble on an island not far away.
Dragons were sighted west of the Sword Mountains above a small island group in the Sea of Swords. A dwarf scout said that he saw them with his own eyes when he wandered the High Road. He met a wizard in Waterdeep who told him the tale of the rivalry between the metallic and chromatic dragons ages ago and the downfall of Sharruth the Fire Red Dragon whose imprisonment in the sea created Stormwreck Isle of the coast south of Thornhold. As of the late 15th century DR, there were rumblings that the long-dead Sharruth might have continued to persist in some form deep below the island. Therefore, new chromatic dragons have shown up to draw the power from the tomb of Sharruth but a bronze dragon has successfully fought of the red, blue, green, black and white dragons. The conflict, however, never ended and the bronze dragon is getting old and has grown weary of strife. Adventures are needed to aid the inhabitants in this conflict to prevent another Dragon War from starting.
The dwarven scout clouded your mind with drinks and promises of great magic and treasure on Stormwreck Isle. Next to that you would be known as the Saviours of of the Sword Coast and Preventers of the next Dragon War. The four of you agreed late at night to get on a boat to Stormwreck Isle to check what the fuss is all about and maybe gain the reputation of Saviours of the Sword Coast. Filled with energy from this prospect, the dwarf scout got a befriended sailor over and all of you paid him a few golden pieces to set sail early in the morning. This morning you were rudely awakened by the dwarf innkeeper and the captain who were shouting that they were waiting for over 30 minutes with a breakfast and some tea to get the party from last night out of your system.
And here you are, the four of you have never met but you got along perfectly fine last night. Maybe some proper introduction is needed.
Introduction by the players and description of the surroundings before they enter the dock. They arrive from the north so do not forget to mention the Wreck of the Compass Rose.