My dad's a convicted pillow puller.
My brother was homeless, someone let him stay inside a barn as long as he watered pot plants.
The was a massive raid, brother was scooped up in it, and was given a felony for watering pot plants. The federal judge said his involvement in everything was so minimal, he didn't understand why my brother even needed to be there in court. But laws were laws, they were broken, and he was required to do something.
Out of leniency, he allowed my brother to choose 3 years probation or 9 months in a federal prison. Brother was deathly scared of prison so he chose probation. My dad agreed to be his guardian and keep him on track.
Brother's back to living with my parents, but he was piss drunk one night and locked himself in his room to sleep. Dad knocked on door to check on him, and discovered the door was locked. Told him he's not allowed to lock his bedroom door. No answer. Starts banging on the door. No answer.
Dad kicks down the door and starts yelling at brother to wake the fuck up. (Personally I think he was terrified and just trying to zone out /ignore Dad)
Dad yoinks the pillow out from under brother's head , and brother starts screaming that his neck was hurt. Dad was like lol you're full of shit, a silky pillow isn't going to hurt your fucking neck, get up. Brother's screaming for help and mom shows up wondering wtf is going on. Brother tells them both call 911 or he'll tell police they're blocking him from receiving treatment.
Police and ambulance show up. My dad's explaining to an officer I swear to god all I did was pull this fucking pillow out from under his head, and he's acting like I somehow twisted it or something. Officer looks at my brother being carried out of the home on a stretcher in a neck brace. Officer tells my dad "He's being carried away in an ambulance, I have to take this serious."
My dad tells the officer "Look at him! Right now! Look what he's doing" officer looks over at my brother, who is telling paramedics what happened and how the pillow made his neck twist (and proceeds to reenact the head movement by twitching his head really fast)
My dad tells the officer "Do you think anybody with a neck injury is going to be flopping around and moving their head like that?"
Officer's face starts to question everything. Tells my dad he still has to arrest him for assault, but if there's no injuries showing up at the hospital the charges will probably get dropped. My dad says "This is fucking bullshit." Is arrested, placed into the police vehicle, and taken to jail.
Hospital cleared brother of any injuries. My dad finally gets out of jail, and the sheriff informs him he's not allowed to go back to that address. My dad's like "uh, lol what the fuck do you mean, that is my home." sheriff tells my dad that my brother placed a restraining order against him until the trial date, and can't go near him or his residence.
I end up getting a call from my dad, who explains this hell of a mess going on and that he needs a place to stay. So he stays with me for awhile. My mom's still home with my brother, but she's scared of him now because he's making threats. Police confirm they can't evict him because according to the federal court and the wording for his probation, my dads home is my brothers permanent residence, so therefore cannot evict or it could clash with a federal judge.
Long story short: brother threatens my mom with a knife, and I see the opportunity for her to have him arrested and get a restraining order to keep him away from her and the home.
Dad's pillow pulling assault charge was worked out, brother's probation officer finally tested him hot, and brother was sent to prison while dad finally returns to his home.
and then their dog died.
The end