Parents always know
So, first things first: Been sober for a couple months... I decided I didn't want to keep tabs, so I can't tell you exactly how many days have been. Must've had my last drink around November I guess. It's been amazing and I couldn't have done it without this community. You are all amazing and I love each one of you from the deep of my heart.
Now to the business at hand: I had always considered myself a high-functioning alcoholic. I have a stable job, a fiancee, and a loving family who -I thought- had no idea that I downed a bottle of whatever-I-could-find on a daily basis. When I quit I thought that having the support of my family would be nice, but I couldn't find it in me to shatter the image they had of me. So I shouldered it on myself.
Fast forward to today's morning. I'm out of city on work business, and I got a text from my neighbor saying that there was water leaking through my front door. My parents live in the same city as me, and they have a key to my house, so I texted my father to see if he could go and check what was going on. Turns out a pipe burst in the kitchen out of nowhere. My dad fixed it and that was it. That was morning, he let me know what happened and how he fixed. That was it. But about an hour ago he sent me another text (paraphrasing, since english is not our first language):
"There weren't any beer cans or tequila bottles in your house,everything was clean and it didn't smell of tobacco anywhere. Since Christmas you look healthier than ever. I'm so proud of you, son. Your mother and I will always be here for you, don't forget that."
I cried in my hotel room like a baby.
I don't know exactly why I wanted to make a post about this. I guess I just wanted to unwind. I'm taking my folks to dinner and let them know everything as soon as I get back in town. Stay healthy, friends. This is the way; there's not another one. I'm here for you. I will not drink with you today.