If you're feeling tempted to drink moderately...
Managed almost 3 months sober and ruined it on Friday night. Thankfully I didn't drink to excess or black out or anything. Only had 1 beer on Friday and 3 on Saturday. No regretful behaviour this time thankfully, but I still regret doing it.
For those of you who feel tempted to drink moderately, let me tell you how it went:
- Went to a social event without telling people I wasn't drinking (first mistake). I got there and felt embarrassed about ordering NA beer (stupid I know) and also felt that I'd have more fun if I got tipsy, so I ordered a regular beer
- Drank the beer, felt tired and bloated; didn't even really get much of a buzz. Went to bed soon after
- Slept like shit on Friday night and woke up feeling tired and lethargic on Saturday morning
- Had 3 more beers during the day Saturday to 're-energize' myself (lol) - admittedly enjoyed the taste but, again, no real buzz to speak of (or if it was there, it was brief)
- Slept badly on Saturday and felt tired and miserable all day Sunday
- Fell asleep early Sunday night and woke up early Monday for a workout; still felt extremely tired, which meant I couldn't go as hard as usual when working out
- Now feeling tired, anxious, miserable and disappointed in myself, and have no motivation whatsoever for the working week
Again, I feel thankful that it didn't escalate, but this is the reality of how life feels even if you do achieve moderation.
Use me as your lesson for the week. It's not worth it. It's never worth it.