Benefits of quitting as moderate drinker - day 100

I wanted to share my experience quitting as a moderate drinker.

I say moderate drinker because I was never a daily drinker but only binge drank on weekends (and not every weekend).

That said I was still drinking enough for it to be a problem, regularly embarrassing myself and getting into arguments with my partner because of my behavior.

Anyway I've not 100 days sober. I had a little slip up at a mates bucks party but otherwise have stayed true

I honestly have loved it. I'm sleeping well, my self esteem is slowly building, my relationships are stabilizing, my skin is better, I'm doing well at work and generally everything feels a little easier.

I don't miss alcohol. Even at a recent wedding I was happy on the zero beers and an early night in bed.

It's no silver bullet but I'm on the right track.

Caffeine and sugar/carbs is next.

I'm a mid 30s male, so it's a little difficult seeing not all of my friends accept it, but I've come to accept that I need to put myself first.

I also wanted to mention the Daybreak app, which I've found an incredibly supportive community in quitting. Highly recommend.

Are there any moderate drinkers out there who have quit and if so what has been your experience?