Happy Memories YAY

I'm really happy right now, thinking back to the beginning of 2024, February 6th when I celebrated a year sober. I was sad because I didn't get a lot of congratulations or support, but then my Christian Community group came in clutch and surprised me😭💕 Still one of the happiest moments of my life. They got me a cake that sad "Happy 1 year Sober" and a cookie cake that said "Congrats to your sobriety". Everyone brought their favourite juice combos, to share, to the Bible study and we prayed over my success. Many people in my life have denied (and STILL deny) that I had an issue but my community group has always stayed by my side and supported me. I love and appreciate them so much because I'm unsure if I'd be where I am today without them. Find yourself people who believe and support you; it makes a world of a difference.