Is it cheating?

(Pls don't feel offended by the title, it's really just some honest question about something I cannot explain for myself any different to this)

Heyo, I recently started to play STO again after over a year of having a break. But also back then, just like today, I had no clue of what the game's meta is. I always played STO more casually, more role-play like. And I was amazed, when I started the game again, to see "Red Alert: Borg" as the featured playlist. But as I joined a session, I was instantly reminded why I had so little fun and stopped playing; I didn't even made it to any of the Borg mobs before they got destroyed, because some overpowered companions could already destroy 2 cubes in just 5 seconds.

And I'm honestly not sure how to classify that. I mean, like I said, I have no clue, so I'm just asking. And since I'm playing this game since it was still only accessible through monthly subscription (I just played the free demo back then :D), and I've never seen this in any other MMO before, I just rate it this (as in title) for now. Like I said, no offense to anyone. And I am making all reputation projects, as many as possible, although I prefer to always level Dyson Sphere and Delta Alliance, and yes, I get very good equipment through that. I also do the admirality missions and the other projects with your service officers (don't know whats the right term since I am no native english speaker playing sto :D). By now, my ship is equipped only with Mk 12 tier phasers and photon torpedos, most of them of green rarity, as well as 1 quantum torpedo of green quality and 1 torpedo from the Dyson Sphere reputation project, Mk 12 purple quality. Also a Mk 12 purple deflector and a impuls drive. The consoles are all Mk 12 green to purple as well. Still I take ages to just kill one cube and get easily destroyed when I'm fighting against a fleet of them.

Story-wise, I'm currently in the Delta Quadrant act. I remember hating this one because the Vaadwaur just seemed so overpowered to me, with their mines placing them and exploding all around me I always got low on shields and HP.

Ground combat the same. All my bridge officers die like flies even though they all have Mk 12 blue quality equipment at least and I've got mk 12 purple quality equipment (also all phaser, because that's just my favorite style, classic movie-starfleet-combat-equipment ). But I take ages and I get nervous when I have to fight more than 1 mob with more than 1 elite enemy.

In the exchange I already saw Mk 14 equipment, but how tf do I get that? And why is everybody so strong while I take ages to kill anything, but on the other hand get killed just as fast by NPCs? Can someone help me or explain to me how to get any better, or as good as all the ppl around me killing everything almost one shot?