Tubal ligation recovery and ovarian cysts?

I just had my Tubal Ligation scheduled for a Thursday and trying to plan how much time I will want to take off of work as my OB didn’t really give much info on recovery. I work from home at a computer. It’s a very high stress job at times and I spend a decent amount of time on the phone with clients. Since it’s nothing physical and I’m from home, I’m expecting I won’t really need much time off BUT I’m still worried about how tired I might be and how that will affect my work. I also have a one year old and a three year old, so add that into the mix lol

How long would you recommend taking off of work after surgery?

Additionally, I’ve been having some period problems (bleeding every other week for a week for the last 5 months) with daily pelvic pain and cramps. Had an ultrasound done and I do have an ovarian cyst that doc said he will look at during surgery - what can I expect with that?? Would they also be able to determine if I have any other issues?