Questions of Domestic Violence

We have proof that BMs bf has gotten physical with her and left bruises on her. Unfortunately, due to the type of proof we have, it isn't admissable in court.

Multiple people were using SD8 tablet and left themselves signed into their social media on her tablet. This includes BM, and SD8 older sister. There were messages between BM and BMs sister detailing the beating she received from her bf. Another message was from SDs older sister TO BMs BF, telling him to not come around them anymore, because her mom came home with bruises.

BM is back with the BF. We have taken custody (at least temporarily) for a whole list of reasons. SD has never spoken to us about any abuse she has witnessed, but I believe she has seen it. BM lives in a travel trailer with no separate rooms. Anything in their home is out in the open.

We are in family therapy, but I want to make sure any violence she has witnessed is addressed. I'm afraid if we talk to SD and ask questions, it will be leading questions. I also worry that we will get in trouble for talking about those things, because we aren't allowed to talk about court proceedings with SD.

I'm kind of at a loss for what to do. She has recently asked my husband and I separately if it is illegal to hit girls. I asked the therapist what to do, but she hasn't emailed back. She also isn't the right therapist for this topic, but is doing great at helping us blend as a new family.

This stuff is tough :(