Partner texting EX

My partner is 44 with a daughter 14 and son 11. I am 33 with no kids, and no baggage that follows me. I am not sure if I’m being reasonable or not. Her and her ex text almost every single day, probably 5 days a week. I do not believe they have any romantic feelings for one another. And honestly, their communication is always about the kids. I have told my partner that every single day makes me uncomfortable because I just feel like I don’t have a moment with her to myself. She tells me that I am unreasonable and ridiculous and I don’t have kids so I wouldn’t understand. One day, She suggested that her and her ex don’t text past 6pm. She even talked to him about it and they agreed. It never happened. When I brought up the fact that it never happened, and they still text almost daily and sometimes up until 11pm and as early as 6am. She said it was too Inconvenient for her and her ex. I reminded her that I thought this would have helped our relationship and she told me that I was being controlling. I feel like I give up a lot and have to compromise on a lot being 33 with no kids and no relevant exes that I stay in contact with. I moved across the country to be with her, and she simply can not just text him past 6pm so we have our evenings together. Is it unreasonable to ask that outside of emergencies that texts about the kids happen before 6pm? I am open to comments and suggestions.

Edit: wow I have never posted on Reddit before and I am shocked at all the responses and support. I am even more shocked at the amount of support I have received. I expected to be told that I was unreasonable and that this was completely normal. Thank you everyone for your input and advice. I appreciate it more than you know. My apologies if I don’t responded to everyone but I have read every comment and I have a new perspective on how I have been treated.