thank fucking god i've finally escaped the hell of dedicated and can now confirm that i get to kill myself on surgery rotations instead!!! i was browsing this subreddit like every day and kept getting scared seeing posts of people with consistent scores in the 70s-80s, and that paired with the fact that i could only remember the questions i got wrong did not bode well for my mental health. i finally understand what people mean when they say that no matter how you felt walking out of that exam, you have to believe in all the work you put in 🙏🏽 you don't need be the top of your class, you just need to pass!!! feel free to ask anything if you feel like you were in a similar boat!
- tested on 2/25 (originally was supposed to test on 2/18, but i got sick 2 weekends before and got nervy so i pushed back my exam)
- cbssa scores: nbme 26: 57 (1/11); nbme 28: 55 (1/23); nbme 29: 62 (1/29); nbme 30: 64 (2/8, at this point i thought i was taking step in 10 days so i got crazy scared); nbme 31: 74 (2/14); free 120 (2024): 57.5%/62.5%/77.5% (so 65.8% overall); free 120 (2022): 80% overall (80%/80%/80% lol)
- uwsa 1: 158 (12/29); uwsa 2: 181 (2/3); uworld was 100% completed but i can't remember what my percent correct was 😭 my guess is somewhere in the mid 50s or so, uworld was not my friend sadly
for everyone still in dedicated or even people not in dedicated who are starting to worry about step 1, you got this!! if you believe in yourself and stick to your schedule, you WILL make it, trust :)