Hypothetical question (the shift\new earth)

Let's say you incarnated with the intention of experiencing the shift, the event, the solar flash, the merging into the new earth. But something changed... Not only did it get delayed... But it was no longer going to happen. No longer on the table... Just a super slow shift, no dramatic event, no perceivable grand change for the rest of your life time.

10 years pass, 20... 30... Nothing.

Your left here as things are to live out the rest of your life and die from old age or illness.

How would you feel about that? Would you self terminate? Make the most of it?

Information on the shift\new earth and solar flash seems to be dying out. As interesting and hopefull as it is I am beggining to question the validity of QHHT and spirits offering information about this so called shift.

Yeah frequencies are steadily rising... But it hasn't made any beneficial changes in life as far as I'm concerned. And tbh it kind of feels like we starseeds were just abandoned and forgotten about!


Let's say you incarnated with the intention of experiencing the shift, the event, the solar flash, the merging into the new earth. But something changed... Not only did it get delayed... But it was no longer going to happen. No longer on the table... Just a super slow shift, no dramatic event, no perceivable grand change for the rest of your life time.

10 years pass, 20... 30... Nothing.

Your left here as things are to live out the rest of your life and die from old age or illness.

How would you feel about that? Would you self terminate? Make the most of it?

Information on the shift\new earth and solar flash seems to be dying out. As interesting and hopefull as it is I am beggining to question the validity of QHHT and spirits offering information about this so called shift.

Yeah frequencies are steadily rising... But it hasn't made any beneficial changes in life as far as I'm concerned. And tbh it kind of feels like we starseeds were just abandoned and forgotten about!
