Guides sent "signs" without telling me and I missed them all. Whose fault is it?
So apparently at the moment I'm in something of an energetic downturn. My local medium said my guides tried to warn me by sending "signs." Signs I had no reason to watch for. Signs about a problem I didn't know I even had. So of course they flew right by.
So, how do they expect anything to get done with such flippant half-assed communication? What did they honestly expect to happen? Is that honestly the best they can do?
This sort of thing happens every once in awhile. The guides will tell me "we sent you a message in a dream," of which I have no memory. So nothing happens on my end and they'll claim it's all my fault.
(And before anyone says "don't trust the mediums, look inside yourself," and all that glib crap, I would if I could but I can't so I won't. Some of us don't have that level of communication yet. This board has a severe lack of compassion for people who just aren't at that level. You say "it's so easy." Well obviously it is not, because here we are. So no glib answers please. Be as practical as possible.)