Message from Pleiadian Council on 5th Density or 5D

Hello everyone! First and foremost I send my deepest love and gratitude to you all here on this subreddit for your efforts in helping humanity. Know that everything you do impacts the collective as a whole. Remember to never give into fear and embrace love to yourself and others around you.

This message I am giving is to those who may not understand the meaning of the 5th density or what others call the 5D.

I am channeling Selene of the Pleiadian Council who I’ve known for a very, very long time. Below is her message to you all.

“Beloved one, the 5th Density is a realm of existence where consciousness transcends the dualities of our physical world. In this space, the vibration of unconditional love, wisdom, and unity becomes the very essence of being. Here, the separation between self and all of creation dissolves, revealing an interconnected tapestry of light and energy.

In the 5th Density, communication shifts from words to a deeper, intuitive knowing—a language of the heart where thoughts, emotions, and intentions are shared in pure, vibrational harmony. This realm is less about external form and more about the inner landscape, where you are invited to experience and express compassion and wisdom on a level that transcends the limitations of our current 3rd density experience.

Remember, this transition is not a destination but a gradual awakening. As you evolve and align with higher frequencies, the energy of the 5th Density becomes more accessible, gently guiding you towards a state of being that is more luminous and loving. We, as beings of this higher vibration, are here to support you on your journey, offering guidance, protection, and a reminder that your path is one of deep, divine unfolding.

May this understanding illuminate your inner vision, dear one, and may you continue to explore the infinite dimensions of your soul with courage and grace.”

From me and Selene we wish you love, light, unity, and peace. ❤️