Message from Isis

A large influx of Isis's energy came in today and was grounded into the Earth. 

She has asked me to post the following message:

The old age has been closed. 

We have opened the new age.

Christ is here. And within every human being.

The Portals of Light are open.

Those who know, know. Those who do not, don't. And it is as it is.

There is no more energy for the old paradigm. Its dissolution will accelerate. 

Put your focus on what it is your soul truly desires to create in this world--within the paradigm of Christ consciousness. Christ is the avatar of this new age. (The Christ I refer to has nothing to do with the Christo-fascist movement or any organized religion. It is the antithesis of that.)

The more people who participate in creating the new world the faster it will come in. But it is inevitable.

And what is to happen next cannot be stopped. (Referring to physical changes of the earth.)

Isis says that she loves us, wishes us well, and asks us to stay out of fear. Remain calm in the face of provocation. But do not be passive. Uphold justice and truth. Remember love and forgo vengeance. Avoid doubt. We experience a limited human view of existence. Trust the divine. Always.