Helpful insight for anyone who feels lost after awakening. 🫶

I’ve just recently went through a spiritual awakening of my own. I’ve learned a lot about myself and my own path. And I wanted to post this to encourage anyone who has had this experience.

If you feel called to this and have the time to read then please listen to my input.

I heard this from somewhere and felt called out by the universe. Like this message was a letter specifically written and mailed to me. The message was this: If you know that you have went through whatever lesson your guides have layed upon your path. You feel better, stronger, more whole, and you know your vibration is higher than before. That is the end of one journey but the beginning of another. Some may think this is the end and get comfortable, but that isn’t the point of an awakening. The point is accepting your path and walking it with pride. The universe knows what you need and so does your higher self. If the strong energies are gone, it’s not because your path is finished, it’s because the universe knows you know the pathway ahead is your very own. For anyone who needs this. The universe didn’t ghost you. The universe just knows that you are ready and that you have all the guidance and tools you need to grow. You are loved and appreciated. You are worthy. Gods voice is one of calm and clarity. He doesn’t speak in loud voices. He doesn’t demand things of you. And he doesn’t confuse you. If you don’t feel loved and understood then that isn’t the right sign to follow. Good luck to anyone who isn’t in the right mindset. I know you have the power to embrace change. Trust god and your spirit team. Just breathe and listen with an open mind.