We Are Being Held Lovingly
At one point in the spiritual journey, you reach a point where you realize that only love heals the mind. And as you heal, you realize much more of the nature and vastness of God - and then it hits you - God is all there is. It's a very profound moment, when you realize for yourself that there is only one being, one consciousness, one awareness that is the source and foundation of everyone and everything, and we exist within it, as a result out it's own divine desire and will to create.
At the same time, that can be scary depending on your beliefs about God. Do you see God as a God of judgment and punishment? Or a God of unconditional love?
For me, it was the latter. As I began to really let go of my dedication to rigid Christianity, and began letting go of my fear through surrender, the more I began to feel God's presence. You know it's interesting, growing up in church, I would really feel that presence as I would be singing and praising God in worship. To me it was the Holy Spirit. But I never really felt that presence outside of church that much. I just thought it was a church thing.
But as I began to become mindful, I noticed that I would feel that presence when I would overcome a fear. Oh man, forgiving my real life "boogie man" (for 14 years) really made that presence radiate (Sooooo glad that's over! 😅). That presence was moving. I didn't feel like I was walking in spirit, I felt like sprit was walking me! It was amazing. I think it would be so blissful to be in that state all of the time. I wasn't able to maintain that level of presence, however, but I did discover how to feel it anytime. Here's what I did:
- Made the choice to bring my awareness to my body's circulation. By doing this, I direct my awareness out of my thinking mind, and into my presence in the the present moment. The beauty of focusing on circulation is that in this, you can actually feel the flow of life. God's presence at work. The heartbeat is another good one I've found.
- I simply feel with all of my awareness and will. When I do this, I can feel that presence. I can't confirm how it feels for anyone else, but for me, it's a light, cool, breezy, soft, calm feeling that fills me.
I found this amazing, because I found how I can "tap into" that feeling anywhere. I realized that I don't need to be in a church sanctuary with my hands raised high, shouting. I can feel this now. Any now. It's beautiful.
It's those kind of moments that really make you realize what is real. That presence is real. We're real. That presence is love - and we're in it, sharing in that love!
I learned that anytime my mind begins to trail off on fear adventures based on what I'm seeing going on (Which is very easy to do right now), I can find that presence, and know that everything's gonna be alright. That we are being held lovingly within it's unconditionally loving presence, now and for eternity.