Don't fear. Don't be angry. Accept it all.

You are an internal being. Your higher self is. The being of light and unconditional love. So what, still being frightend that your employer may fire you for anything, or the government may choke your freedom? They can only somewhat affect external physical attributes like your body or mind, but they can never make harm to your HS/soul. But fear... Fear leads to you being blocked from the light and unable to send unconditional love to all, and stopping your accending and evolution into a high frequency being. So stop the manipulative low-D BS, that causes fear and anger, from taking all your attention. The life we used to live in is an anti-utopian cartoon for teenagers, only with a contidion that we take this manipulative sh seriously. Only by stopping fear and anger more of you then can send higher wibrations of unconditional love, making you and humanity go beyond.