Starting to think my book is just a freakin prophecy..

bc everything seems to be coming true..

-extreme need for a restoration of balance

-privatization of everything

-cops only respond to the rich

-education only for the rich

-things are ungodly expensive from food to clothes to.. everything

-anyone but the rich and the previous generations cannot own real estate of any sort; if they could, they will eventually be taxed out of their homes and their neighborhoods gentrified

-the rich in charge

-US government watches any sign of revolt very closely

-government disregards any and all rights and actively ignores things like the constitution and bill of rights

-religious cults and extremists (specifically fake “Christians”) rampant and given extra privileges, very hateful people, ex. “the sin of empathy” what the eff

-mercs instead of military that are pmuch given a free pass to commit war crimes

-extreme control over women’s bodies and incels are prominent as well as accepted and enabled

-rights stripped

I know a lot of this doesn’t seem to be predicting much now, but this vision has been in my head since 2001 and the story itself has been (vividly) in my head since 2008.. and everyone called me crazy..

and some could say it was justified. We’re the US of A.. this couldn’t happen.. right?? The end, well, i don’t wanna say bc i hope it happens and i fear it will be jinxed..

but bruh. I’m not the only one seeing it.. i was contacted by a dude saying he thought he was seeing what i’m seeing. I thought he could be trying to scam me but he said things i hadn’t published. I’ve seen very similar things in other writing and graphic novels, almost like we’re seeing the same things and interpreting it in the best ways we each know how to. Wtf is happening.