Important Message
Hello, I hope everyone is well. One thing I notice quite a bit on this is people posting about how they feel some sort of subtle or not so subtle energy change, effecting their moods, energy levels etc. All too often it seems like they only look at it from the "collective" angle. Yes, we are all connected in some way on the deepest level but I feel like the divine, God, guides etc communicate in a way that is very personal to us.
What is going on in your own life? Are you following your passions and actualizing them? Are you living healthy physically, spiritually , emotionally? I just see alot if spiritual bypassing here and trust me I'm not trying to sound like a judgemental ass hole because escapism and not wanting to deal with "earthly matters" has been one of my main issues that I've needed to work through. And it's only now after a lot of pain and struggle that I have clarity and know how to move forward.
We are here for a reason and that can't be overstated. Don't downplay the material world just because it's intense and painful at times. As above so below whatever happens here, there is some sort of spiritual counterpart to it in the spirit realm. We just need to understand the balance, codes and how to remove all the toxicity, physical and symbolical.
Don't "wait" for whatever "event" sparks a societal change. Anyone who is doing that is essentially torturing themselves. We have power to make our lives better NOW. Today. We need to focus more on our own karma, journey, relationships, career & money than always having this "higher view" that causes cognitive dissonance and lethargy for the body and mind. EVERYTHING is spiritual. Since this world is not objectively "real", we have to understand that the origins of absolutely everything that exists here does so because of a spiritual life force energy that allows for creation and manifestation.
This is why matters like mental health should never ever in life be viewed as different from spirituality. Yes, medications are ok to treat imbalances and some people genuinely need them like myself at least for now, but if you go look at all of the symptoms for depression, anxiety, bipolar, schizophrenia, ocd etc you will see the overlap. This is why they say that the mystic swims in the same rivers the psychotic drowns in. It's just access to energy and certain archetypes playing out psychologically , effecting the overall dynamics not only in that person but others.
They call Kanye West crazy but he is behind genius. His "Bipolar" is an expression of immense creativity and emotional sensitivity that does have a shadow side, but when transmuted and properly alchemized the results are incredible. Schizophrenia in most cases is just downloads and being aware of other forces operating. However, they do get off the wall and nonsensical IF the vessel is not properly prepared or "ready". I also believe it could be lesser entities like some sort of parasitic attack. Again, modern medication has a place I would never dispute that. But there is more than meets the eye to everything.
Anyways, the main of this was. Get on your fucking game starseeds. Let's actually the best us right now. Remember our personal journey its not just above some higher collective thing all the time.