Fixing The Red Skill Tree
So, as it sits the red skill tree is the sub-optimal choice for skill points after the mid game.
You pretty much want to just double down on green and blue, with maybe one or two yellow, in order to maximise fleet effectivemess in dealing with late game enemies.
This is kind of a bummer in that; flying your own ship is a core part of the fun of this game, but you're actively nerfing your overall fleet if you do this.
To top it off; two of the most important Red tree skills are only unlocked by spending at least 4 points in the tree line before you can chose 1 of them. And another 2 red skills need to be taken before you can take the other.
Are there any ideas around what could be done to bring the Red tree up to parity with the other two?
I was thinking that maybe giving the Elite version of red tree skills an extra impact for the player that the regular officers don't get.
Or maybe having all red tree skills available for unlocking for the player without gating them behind a prerequisite number of "lower" tier skills.
But that's just my suggestion; what do you guys think?