Why is Zerg straight dog water in this new patch

impossible to beat protoss at any part of the game, they have a counter for every single unit. every army is archon, immortal, stormlar, and tempest and mothership, and im supposed to beat that with the garbage zerg units that get countered by every single one of those??? and terran just seems to always steam roll them if it weren’t for banelings, don’t even get me started on battle cruisers cause no matter if you have 50 corrupter s and hydras under it they get blasted and you get lucky to take out one or 2. in today alone i went from almost hitting plat 1 to going allll the way down to mid gold 1. like what in the flying platypus man. how is Zerg supposed to stand up to this kind of power. plus you cant do anything in the early game cause every protoss makes a Fort Knox at their front gates with 3 pylons and batteries and cannons and then turtles. terran is no different. Zerg has become a dead race and even the pro level is feeling that pain. and im just a… well was platinum 2. no wonder 97% of the ladder is protoss you cant beat them