I’m tired

Lemme preface this by saying I know I can say no, I’m not complaining here, just letting out a little venti. I’ve been a shift at my store for almost 8 months now and yeah it has its ups and downs but I enjoy it for the most part. What I don’t enjoy is being the only shift out of five that is ever willing to extend, pick up shifts, cover for others, etc. I was gone for a week over Christmas, the week I can back I worked over 50 hours. Now the OT is nice, don’t get me wrong but I’ve been in OT almost every week for 8 months. I’ve worked 14-15-16 hour days before opening at 4am the next. Tomorrow it looks like I’m going to work 15 hours again because shifts are sick (can’t help that), ones on bereavement (can’t help that) one with time off (can’t help that), and one other who refuses to come in on Sundays (I get it) and a SM who refuses to come in on Sundays. I know sickness is going around, I know I can say no, to which I will get a guilt trip, but I also know that keeping the store open adds to profits, adds to labor, adds to more coverage in future weeks, which helps me in the future. I know I’m not overreacting but can I get a little encouragement to not break down 🥹