Don't mind this post, just predicting the future.

  1. The game will release horribly optimized and buggy.

  2. The game will have the amazing immersive atmosphere that we all love and are accustomed to from previous games.

  3. So the exact same thing that happened with Cyberpunk 2077 will happen: A well made game, but poorly optimized. People who enjoy the game for the game will be busy and happy playing it, while people who haven't even played any STALKER games at launch before (Yes, Anomaly/GAMMA/EFP doesn't count.) will be complaining on every forum and YT comment section about how "bad" the game is.

As someone who's in the "will be busy enjoying the game" category, thought I'd make this thread ahead of time, because I won't have time to write a post about the game.

I absolutely hate the circlejerk culture on the internet video game communities. Absolutely hated how Cyberpunk 2077 was treated; Look at the quality of the writing. The music. The gameplay and game design. The visuals. The level design. It was literally one of the best, if not the best game that came out in the last decade.

Just because a game is "buggy and unoptimized", it doesn't mean it's a "bad" game.

Games are ART. Made out of technology. It's like saying a painting is bad because the canvas or paint used is low quality. Everyone is entitled to their weird opinions, sure, but it doesn't change the fact that the art work is there, and is undeniable.

Good hunting, Stalkers.