Stake Basically stole my money
On Feb 27 I bought around 400$ in nolimit super bonuses. I was getting an error code when I opened them. I contacted support to try and figure out why I couldnt.
Over time I kept contacting them asking for an update on why I cant open my slots.
They said they were going to forward it to the team in charge for further investigation.
Fast foward 4 days later this is what they told me.
Thing is this is what it looks like when you buy a super and their is a replay.
This is what my other thing looks like it says it was on march 3 because that was finally when I could get in the slot again.
Their is no replay for me to watch on Folsom Prison nor The Rave. and stake is telling me BOTH slots were not winning rounds with not a single cent of payout. No ones helping me at all and their just saying the same things over and over and its really starting to piss me off.